Nutritional Approach and Philosophy

Paulette uses the Functional Medicine (FM) approach to help you recover from illness or to reach a higher state of wellness. The goal of functional medicine is to understand the root of the symptoms or disease and offer recommendations to improve your health. The process of understanding comes through extensive information gathering, physical observation and nutritional testing. While it is true that genetic predisposition can play a major role in disease development, predisposition does not have to result in its manifestation. The sooner you start making changes, the more likely you will prevent persistent health problems. It is well-known that the development of disease is greatly influenced and perpetuated by our environment. Environment can be defined as anything that impacts our body’s chemistry such as emotions (i.e. excess anger, stress); diet that causes nutritional deficiencies or excesses, physical activity level, too much medication, caffeine or alcohol, and exposure to pesticides, pollutants, and toxins. Creating an internal environment of compassion for yourself and others brings physical, emotional and spiritual harmony. Using the Functional medicine approach you can learn how to support your body’s needs with food, supplements, herbal medicine, and mind-body approaches.

Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Coaching
As a certified diabetes care and education specialist, I can help you untangle which diet principles are best suited to you and your lifestyle. Based on your interest, supplements and herbs that focus on blood glucose regulation and management of diabetic complications can be addressed. For type 1 diabetes, education includes carbohydrate counting, carbohydrate to insulin ratio, and managing travel, sick days and exercise.
Intuitive Eating (IE)
Are you in a constant cycle of dieting followed by overeating, even bingeing? Then you may be interested in learning more about intuitive eating IE). With IE, you re-learn to eat according to your body’s natural hunger and fullness clues. No counting calories, watching carbohydrates or eliminating food groups. Instead it is a process of listening to your body and mind, learning to trust your body’s natural clues of how much to eat, what to eat and how to enjoy food again. For many, this path leads to freedom from endless dieting and food thoughts.

SIBO/IBS/Gut Problems
Using the Functional Medicine approach, I ascertain the causes, triggers, and mediators underlying the disharmony of the gut. Therapy includes removing the irritants, supporting digestion, increasing the beneficial bacteria, repairing the gut lining and rebalancing lifestyle to support a healthy gut.
Fertility Programs
Designed for both men and women. Programs range from providing a fertility diet and nutrient recommendations to a comprehensive program that can include testing for micronutrient deficiencies, adrenal function, environmental exposure, low grade gut infections, food sensitivities and reproductive hormone imbalances.
Food Sensitivity Testing and LEAP Immuno-calm Diet
The immuno-calm diet based on food sensitivity results has demonstrated effectiveness for irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and migraines. The diet is also helpful for many with autoimmune conditions, skin disorders, asthma, osteoarthritis or any condition with inflammation. Based on your test results, an individualized food plan is created to calm an overactive immune system.

OA Food Plans
Individualized nutrition/food plans are designed for members of Overeaters Anonymous and OA-HOW to help them on their journey of recovery. OA offers a 12-step program of recovery from compulsive overeating and compulsive food behaviors, anorexia and bulimia. Evidence of food addiction has been found in one-third of the obese population. An important cornerstone to recovery includes a food plan with a well-defined abstinence.
Micronutrient Testing
The micronutrient test by SpectraCell laboratory measures the function of 35 nutritional elements including minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids in white blood cells. If you are curious as to your nutritional status, this is a great test to get a comprehensive overview. if you feel chronically unwell, chronically tired, can’t lose weight, or can’t seem to recover from illness this test can give insight into your specific nutrient needs.
Other conditions addressed:
Autoimmunity, women’s hormonal issues, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders.
Functional testing available:
Some testing options include: Comprehensive thyroid panel, adrenal panel, stool analysis, organic acid test, food sensitivity, cardiometabolic testing (glucose and fat metabolism markers). Feel free to contact us if you have questions regarding specific tests.